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Mind Up:
Inside the Brain
Mind Up: Inside the Brain was a project made in collaboration with Goldie Hawn's foundation Mind Up through the Savannah College of Art and Design's CLC program.
We were asked to create an animated short explaining parts of the brain and how to use them in 10 weeks.
This project not only exposed our team to working through the animation client but how to work with a client. Throughout the production of Mind Up: Inside the Brain I was an Animation Supervisor for the owl and helped develop the bulldog characters. I worked in visual development, character design, rough animation, and clean up.

Final Renders

Final Render_01

Final Render_02

Final Render_03

Final Render_04

Final Render_05

Final Render_06

Final Render_07

Final Render_08

Final Render_09

Concept Art

Final Designs

Bulldog Turnaround
Bulldog Mouth Chart
Bulldog Expression/ Pose Sheet
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